

爪の色、および任意の色に必要な色や服を一致させます。しかし、衣類の変化に適応するためのマニキュアを色の房を購入する必要はありません。だけで、完全にあなたは特別な色の変調を所有できるよう手に手を上のボトルには、元の色と一緒にいくつかのいくつかの主要な色を購入する必要があります。いくつかの基本的な色の基礎を含む:1、白:色のパステルカラーのマニキュアを意味の増加浅いことができますを購入する必要があります。 2、黒:色相のマニキュア、カラーのレンダリングと暗い濁った色感覚爪を追加します。 3、銀、真珠色:爪を磨くの明るさを増加し、光沢紙を使用すると服。


One of seven industry legends: The revival of the death of 17 times volume 六鬼黄張紫陽

leakage of the face, purple live at the moment was more optimistic, like the revival of the general rise in the air, strong winds His long hair this time of the explosion swept past the flying suit, Lee Ward rapidly, Aung San Suu Kyi, a powerful, Wei was formed in the presence of a specific gas, exposure to feel shortness of breath within their master the whole person so that the emission, and his disappointment in the face.

Body is really one of the plains in the blood of two hurricanes in a single occurrence, the occurrence of stroke following the yin and yang Kinguobugosuto now dead volume, rising yuan was a strong momentum, both in the hands of Yang I felt live.

Roar, more than a cluster of twinkling eyes after Guichiyan meat, black hurricane to form a welcoming hand Onio heard. 2, horrific elements of fire and Guiqi mutually In fact, Lee District is dedicated to smoke occurs between now affect each other, suddenly the Big Bang explosion.

Increase of the air, surrounded by a strong element of truth in France